Valitut rajaukset: en Poista rajaukset
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Teaching Practice for Exchange Students (02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024)
If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their personal study plan. The availability of teaching practice at third-party primary schools is limited.
Teaching Practice for Exchange Students (03.01.2025 - 23.05.2025)
If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their personal study plan. The availability of teaching practice at third-party primary schools is limited.
Ammatillisen opettajakorkeakoulun vaatimusten mukaisesti suoritettavassa kasvatustieteen opinnoissa huomioidaan erityisesti ammatillisen koulutuksen ja ammattikasvatuksen näkökulma. Opettajakorkeakoulu ei vastaa opintojen hyväksilukumahdollisuudesta yliopistoissa. (Vaihtoehtoisesti opiskelijoilla on mahdollisuus suorittaa kasvatustieteelliset perusopinnot Oulun yliopiston avoimen yliopiston vaatimusten mukaisesti.) Jos olet jo opiskellut 25 opintopisteen laajuiset kasvatustieteen, aikuiskasvatuksen, ammattikasvatuksen, tai erityispedagogiikan perusopinnot, ja niistä on ollut opiskelijavalinnan hakemuksen liitteenä todistus, opinnoista sisällytetään ammatillisen opettajankoulutuksen kasvatustieteellisiin opintoihin 10 op. Nämä aiemmin suoritetut opinnot kirjataan opintorekisteriin elokuun loppuun mennessä hakemuksen liitteiden perusteella. Muussa tapauksessa todistus opinnoista toimitetaan opintoneuvontaan opintorekisteriin kirjaamista varten.
The course theme changes annually. The theme is announced in the previous semester. Learning materials, literature, and assessment criteria are provided in detail at the beginning of the course. The student can complete both Advanced Therapy Methods I and II courses or just one of them in any order they choose.
Empowering Art Activities (26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024)
Suitable also for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy students and Social services exchange students.
Different Welfare Societies (28.10.2024 - 20.12.2024)
No applicable.
Assessment criteria will be defined separately for each course. The instructions of seminar presentations and mandatory assignments are given at the orientation lesson in the beginning of each course.
Assessment criteria will be defined separately for each course. The instructions of seminar presentations and mandatory assignments are given at the orientation lesson in the beginning of each course.
Arts and Culture Promoting Well-being (01.08.2024 - 28.10.2024)
Assessment criteria will be defined separately for each implementation. For more detailed content, see the implementation plan
Arts and Culture Promoting Well-being (01.08.2024 - 28.10.2024)
Assessment criteria will be defined separately for each implementation. For more detailed content, see the implementation plan
Arts and Culture Promoting Well-being (10.03.2025 - 23.05.2025)
Assessment criteria will be defined separately for each implementation. For more detailed content, see the implementation plan
Ergonomic Patient Handling (01.01.2025 - 12.05.2025)
After accomplishing the course Finnish students can apply "Potilassiirtojen ergonomiakortti" registration administrated by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
Ergonomic Patient Handling (01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025)
After accomplishing the course Finnish students can apply "Potilassiirtojen ergonomiakortti" registration administrated by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
Not applicable.
Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024)
The SAPHA-course (Patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way) has been developed as a part of an international Erasmus+ Project RENE. The aim of the RENE project (Renewing Ergonomic Education for Health Care Students in European HEIs) was to improve and harmonize the training of patient transfers in the health care sector. The student can discuss with the teacher, if she/he would like to get also the Finnish Patient Handling Card registration (administrated by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health).
Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (08.01.2025 - 12.05.2025)
The SAPHA-course (Patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way) has been developed as a part of an international Erasmus+ Project RENE. The aim of the RENE project (Renewing Ergonomic Education for Health Care Students in European HEIs) was to improve and harmonize the training of patient transfers in the health care sector. The student can discuss with the teacher, if she/he would like to get also the Finnish Patient Handling Card registration (administrated by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health).
Personally Specified Studies (26.08.2024 - 16.05.2025)
Harjoittelu (01.01.2025 - 16.02.2025)
Opiskelija hakee harjoittelupaikkaa itse. Opettaja tukee opiskelijaa harjoittelupaikan löytämisessä tarvittaessa. Harjoittelusta vastaavan opettajan on hyväksyttävä harjoittelupaikka ja työtehtävät ennen harjoittelun aloittamista. Harjoittelusta tehdään harjoittelusopimus ennen harjoittelun aloittamista. Harjoittelu on mahdollista suorittaa myös työelämälähtöisessä projektissa.
Product Design and Implementation (28.10.2024 - 20.12.2024)
HTML and CSS Programming (28.10.2024 - 31.12.2024)